Sunday 27 October 2013

Training hard

Struggling to stick to your diet or healthy lifestyle?? Thinking of giving in?


Trust me I have been there, since starting my own business this year I have thought about giving it up and going back to the easy option of working for someone else. It’s hard working for yourself, having no one to answer to or tell you what to do and when to do it.

Eating clean and dieting is exactly the same, it’s not easy. If it was easy, everyone would stick to it without problem right?

You have to make sure you are always sticking to the plan, not cheating and exercising when you can. If you don’t have someone there to tell you what to do and when to do it, it is down to you to take responsibility for your results.

That’s the hardest part, being accountable to YOURSELF but remember this, you are never in this by yourself. Everyone who is trying to lose weight, tone up or trying to live a healthier lifestyle is fighting the same battles.

I am writing this sitting in a hotel room in South Shields after having my mind blown by some of the industry’s best fitness professionals. It has made me realise that I am not doing anywhere near enough to provide the best for my clients.

For that I can only apologise and PROMISE it won’t be like this again.

This event has made me realise that I am not the only one in this situation with their business, that it is perfectly normal to feel like this and I am not going crazy (although I’m sure there are people out there who might disagree)

It has also made me realise that people are going through the same struggles with their diets. People are wondering how people do it and are successful at it, constantly thinking that people must live on lettuce and water to lose weight or spend 75% or their time in the gym.

Let me tell you this, YOUR WRONG. It’s not about starving yourself, counting calories eating rabbit food and restricting yourself! It’s about finding the balance that allows you to get maximum results from your efforts.

This event has made me realise how powerful live events are so I have decided to run one myself, only I am not going to bang on about business stuff!

I am going to help you stick to your diet and lifestyle. I want to give you as many tools, tricks and ninja weapons to help you become healthier, slimmer, sexier and get you to where you want to be.

This 90 minute seminar will answer all your questions about how to stick to your programme, the easiest way to succeed and the do’s and don’ts for living a long term healthy lifestyle.

To secure your place click the link below:

So what exactly will we be covering I hear you ask??

Everything from
·         What to eat and what not to eat – it’s not all lettuce and water!
·         Controlling temptation and keeping on track
·         Forgetting you’re on a diet
·         Weight loss myth busting
·         How much is too much
·         Exercising isn’t about lifting heavy weights and living in a gym

We will also be having a Q&A session at the end where we can help answer any questions you might have about ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to do with weight loss.

Spaces are limited so secure your place before it’s too late.

Know someone in the situation? Bring them with you for FREE! A problem shared and all that..

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