Sunday 31 March 2013

Thyroid help  

Improve your thyroid function

Your thyroid basically regulates your metabolism and you may be able to increase your metabolism simply by eating more seafood, nuts & seeds because All of these foods are high in Selenium, Vitamin E, Iodine, Zinc & Copper and…

All of those nutrients are essential for better thyroid function to help boost your metabolism and not having enough of those nutrients will cause your metabolism to slow down and/or you may develop hypothyroidism and as a matter of fact…

People who have hypothyroidism or slow metabolisms add more Selenium, Vitamin E,Iodine, Zinc & Copper to their diets to naturally treat hypothyroidism to help speed up their metabolism to help them lose weight again.  

Don't drink the water!

Fluoride is only effective topically. We should never ingest it - although it's natural in some food and water. Adding it to food and water is a new thing and n...o one monitors how much we take in. As it turns out - fluoride is the most toxic and cancer causing chemical found in our products next to the fake sugar - aspartame. So it's cool to have fluoride free toothpaste. But it's 10 times better to avoid consuming it in our water / bottled water / food. And the only way to do so - is to petition to stop it and be educated as to where it's found and how to block it. I suggest petitioning to remove it from the worlds food / water supply as a prevention not a cure.

Friday 29 March 2013

Common sense spoken by our strength coach.  

Common sense spoken by our strength coach.

"Sometimes as a coach you see patterns that form based on observations.

Diet foods and drinks seem to be only bought by people who are overweight.

All the out of shape people in gyms always seem to be on CV equipment.

The people you only ever see training their arms seem to always have poor arm development.....these kind of things.

What I seem to see a lot now is that anyone who seems to put the letters IIFYM together in a FB post they only ever appear to be in 'ok' shape? Not a lot of muscle and or not awfully lean?"

To build your body up you need to go heavy with weights, not because you want to be the next Mr Universe but because it's the only way to improve your body shape. HILT training is great but many people find the effort to much and give in quickly.  

Quality paleo food.

Not just food, but great food that will not make you sick like all that crap people buy in the supermarkets. Buy fresh buy veggies. If you buy some thing that never swam, has never flown or you didn't pick it fresh out of the ground DON'T eat it because chances are your body really won't want it.

Heres a nice fresh meal to try.

Paleo Slow Cooker Carnitas Tacos

2 1/2 pound boneless pork shoulder
2 Tbsp. coconut oil or bacon fat
... Sea Salt
Ground black pepper
1/4 cup chicken broth
1 medium orange, juiced
1 lime, juiced
4 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tsp. dried cumin
2 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 small onion, sliced
1 large jicama, thinly sliced (or 2 small jicama if using a mandolin slicer)


Who really needs supplements??

Who needs supplements?

If you're generally healthy and eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairy products, lean meats and fish, you likely don't need supplements.
However, the dietary guidelines recommend supplements — or fortified foods — in the following situations:
  • Women who may become pregnant should get 400 micrograms a day of folic acid from fortified foods or supplements, in addition to eating foods that naturally contain folate.
  • Women who are pregnant should take a prenatal vitamin that includes iron or a separate iron supplement.
  • Adults age 50 or older should eat foods fortified with vitamin B-12, such as fortified cereals, or take a multivitamin that contains B-12 or a separate B-12 supplement.

Dietary supplements also may be appropriate if you:
  • Don't eat well or consume less than 1,600 calories a day
  • Are a vegan or a vegetarian who eats a limited variety of foods
  • Are a woman who experiences heavy bleeding during your menstrual period
  • Have a medical condition that affects how your body absorbs or uses nutrients, such as chronic diarrhea, food allergies, food intolerance or a disease of the liver, gallbladder, intestines or pancreas
  • Have had surgery on your digestive tract and are not able to digest and absorb nutrients properly.  

Synthetic V wholefood supplements

So, what’s the difference? Basically, food-based supplements are derived from a whole-food source, while synthetic supplements are synthesized in a laboratory and not necessarily derived from a food-source. So, a company that makes whole-food nutrients will take fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. and concentrate a portion (say the vitamin C) of the food into a tablet. The final product winds up being a concentrate of a food with a specific amount of a certain nutrient, after the fiber, carbohydrate, protein, etc. is removed. Now, there is one more distinction necessary to make. A supplement can be derived from a food-source, but the ingredient(s) can still be isolated to contain only certain compounds from that food.

Let’s take vitamin C for example. Vitamin C is a whole complex which contains ascorbic acid, bioflavanoids (including “p”, “j”, and “k” factors), tyrosinase, and ascorbigen. As you can see, ascorbic acid is only one portion of the entire vitamin C complex. However, the industry decided that (only) ascorbic acid is necessary to be present in order to say a supplement contains “vitamin C”. Therefore, most supplements that claim to be vitamin C, only contain ascorbic acid. However, whole-food based supplements include the entire vitamin C complex in addition to the ascorbic acid. So the point is that a supplement may be naturally derived from food, but still not be a “whole-food complex”. For example, the “vitamin C” in a supplement may originally be had from cherries (a food which contains the entire vitamin C complex), but the supplement still only contains ascorbic acid (again, lacking the bioflavanoids, tyrosinase, ascorbigen, etc.) because that’s the only portion they wanted to isolate. 

Heart disease and vitamin D

It's uncertain whether taking vitamins can reduce your risk of developing heart disease or having a heart attack. However, no matter what type of vitamins you take, vitamins won't prevent the development of heart disease if you don't control your other risk factors, such as poor diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, high cholesterol and diabetes.

Some researchers think that certain vitamins, such as vitamins C and E, may reduce your heart disease risk. These vitamins may help prevent low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol from producing plaques that can narrow your heart's arteries. The evidence for this benefit is limited, and the American Heart Association doesn't recommend taking vitamin C and E supplements as a way to prevent heart disease.

Another vitamin that might improve your heart health is vitamin D. There's some evidence that vitamin D improves the health of your blood vessels, but nothing conclusive yet. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about your vitamin D level.

Vitamins can be an option for some people, especially if you're not getting enough nutrition from your diet. However, most generally healthy people don't need to take a daily vitamin because they get all the nutrients they need from their food. If you're concerned about your nutrition and diet, talk with your doctor about whether taking a daily vitamin might be a good option for you.


Bread you don't need it.

How Wheat is ProcessedThe processing cycle of wheat
  1. Wheat kernel comprised of starch and nutrient-rich bran and germ
  2. Bran and germ are removed, resulting in primarily empty starch (flour).
  3. Processed flour is bleached to improve the appearance and texture of consumer goods.
  4. Bleached flour is enriched by adding in a few isolated B vitamins and iron in an attempt to replace what has been removed.
  5. Nutrient-deficient consumer goods that have the ability to sit on a store shelf for an extended period of time are the final result.

Buy the best wholefood & foodstate supplements on the UK market to date. All our items are sent fast to you because when you pay us, we know you want them delivered fast.

Bad business so say good bye to money!!

I would not normally tell any body about my business even less make a comment on a blog where everybody can read about it., and here's the BUT. yesterday I had a meeting with a company who I was trying to give approx £50.000 fifty thousand pounds worth of business ( Min ) to start with, and he was the most rude, unhelpful, unorganised, negative business man I have met in my life to date. LOOOOOOSSSSSEEEERRRRR.!!!

But this story was far to good not to mention on here. And know I WOULD NEVER DO BUSINESS with someone like that. What reward bad behaviour, not me EVER..!!

The worst advice I have ever heard was from an associate who once told
me to “Just Do It”. What! are you joking?
I learnt from this to never rush
decisions in business with no exceptions to this rule.

Tube train, common sense & rude people. 

Anyone who lives in London or frequently visits and uses the underground will know that most people tend to lose all respect for one another, become rude and their manners seem to go out the window the second they scan their oyster card. The done thing if you like is to let others off the tube before you get on yet some feel its OK to barge people out of the way to ensure they get a seat before anyone else. Whilst no one barged me out of the way this morning I witnessed a guy knock a woman over to get to a free seat with no apology. This guy was more than capable of standing but their were plenty of seats anyway.

This could run & run there are so many things I could say about the times I have witnessed things happening on the tube. Why does everybody need to get on THAT train when 1 min behind the next train is almost empty. Don't nick that idea by the way or my next tube train nobody will get on the already over packed train.

Also do the same people rush into your toilet when your leaving????      Thought not!!!

Thursday 28 March 2013

Eat fat and lose weight.YES eat fat..!!

That skimmed milk you ask for in your coffee is not making you thinner but making you fatter.
A large milky coffee can nicely bridge the gap between an early breakfast and a late lunch. It feels mmm lovely.

Fat tastes great for a very good reason, you need it in your diet. Put bluntly, if you don't eat enough fat, you wont feel full. If you don't feel full you will eat more and gain wait.

Sounds simple doesn't it! It is. If you eat non fat food including reduced fat yoghurt, low-calorie cheese and all the other stuff you see for sale in the store that says low this no fat that, you will in fact gain weight for sure.

Eat fat, good fat and you Will lose weight. I have a plate of veggies and then put slices of organic butter or grass fed butter all over and let it dissolve. It tastes great. Try it and you will think so to.

Don't believe the fat makes you fat. Or you will get fat just like your friend who says " I don't know why I am putting on weight, I always eat non fatty food and low calorie items." WAKE up and change.!!

How good is your eye sight??

This is to funny not to post to make you guys have a massive smile on your faces.

Follow the directions to work out the message. Funny.! 

Magnesium the real story & why it's so important to us.

Bone support by

Why is Magnesium so important to your body?

Did you know that magnesium deficiency causes diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, insomnia, chronic pain, PMS, kidney stones, migraines, and obesity?  Learn the best ways to supplement with magnesium.

One method of assessing your magnesium status is to simply contact your health care provider and request detailed magnesium testing. Yet magnesium assessment is typically done using blood serum testing, and these tests can be misleading. Only 1% of magnesium in the body is actually found in blood, and only .3% is found in blood serum, so clinical blood serum testing may not successfully identify magnesium deficiency.
What to do?
Fortunately, it’s possible to get a sense of where your intake may lie simply by asking yourself a few questions about your lifestyle, and watching for certain signs and signals of low magnesium levels.
Learn how to read your signs below, and find out what you can do to ensure magnesium balance and good health. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may be at risk for low magnesium intake.

1. Do you drink carbonated beverages on a regular basis?

Most dark colored sodas contain phosphates. These substances actually bind with magnesium inside the digestive tract, rendering it unavailable to the body. So even if you are eating a balanced diet, by drinking soda with your meals you are flushing magnesium out of your system.4 5 6
The average consumption of carbonated beverages today is more than ten times what it was in 1940.7This skyrocketing increase is responsible for both reduced magnesium and calcium availability in the body.8 9

2. Do you regularly eat pastries, cakes, desserts, candies or other sweet foods?

sugar and magnesium depletion
Refined sugar is not only a zero magnesium product but it also causes the body to excrete magnesium through the kidneys. The process of producing refined sugar from sugar cane removes molasses, stripping the magnesium content entirely.
And sugar does not simply serve to reduce magnesium levels. Sweet foods are known by nutritionists as “anti-nutrients”. Anti-nutrients like sweets are foods that replace whole nutritious foods in the diet, yet actually consume nutrients when digested, resulting in a net loss. Because all foods require vitamins and minerals to be consumed in order to power the process of digestion, it’s important to choose foods that “put back” vital nutrients, and then some.
The more sweet foods and processed baked goods you have in your diet, the more likely you are deficient in magnesium and other vital nutrients.

3. Do you experience a lot of stress in your life, or have you recently had a major medical procedure such as surgery?

Both physical and emotional stress can be a cause of magnesium deficiency.
Stress can be a cause of magnesium deficiency, and a lack of magnesium tends to magnify the stress reaction, worsening the problem. In studies, adrenaline and cortisol, byproducts of the “fight or flight” reaction associated with stress and anxiety, were associated with decreased magnesium.4
Because stressful conditions require more magnesium use by the body, all such conditions may lead to deficiency, including both psychological and physical forms of stress such as surgery, burns, and chronic disease.

4. Do you drink coffee, tea, or other caffeinated drinks daily?

Magnesium levels are controlled in the body in large part by the kidneys, which filter and excrete excess magnesium and other minerals. But caffeine causes the kidneys to release extra magnesium regardless of body status.
If you drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and soda regularly, your risk for magnesium deficiency is increased.

5. Do you take a diuretic, heart medication, asthma medication, birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy?

The effects of certain drugs have been shown to reduce magnesium levels in the body by increasing magnesium loss through excretion by the kidneys.

6. Do you drink more than seven alcoholic beverages per week?

alcohol and magnesium depletion
The effect of alcohol on magnesium levels is similar to the effect of diuretics: it lowers magnesium available to the cells by increasing the excretion of magnesium by the kidneys. In studies, clinical magnesium deficiency was found in 30% of alcoholics.10
Increased alcohol intake also contributes to decreased efficiency of the digestive system, as well as Vitamin D deficiency, both of which can contribute to low magnesium levels.11

7. Do you take calcium supplements without magnesium or calcium supplements with magnesium in less than a 1:1 ratio?

Studies have shown that when magnesium intake is low, calcium supplementation may reduce magnesium absorption and retention.12 13 14 And, whereas calcium supplementation can have negative effects on magnesium levels, magnesium supplementation actually improves the body’s use of calcium.7
Though many reports suggest taking calcium to magnesium in a 2:1 ratio, this figure is largely arbitrary. The ideal ratio for any individual will vary depending on current conditions as well as risk factors for deficiency.
However, several researchers now support a 1:1 calcium to magnesium ratio for improved bone support and reduced risk of disease. This is due not only to the increased evidence pointing to widespread magnesium deficiency, but also concerns over the risk of arterial calcification when low magnesium stores are coupled with high calcium intake.
According to noted magnesium researcher Mildred Seelig:
The body tends to retain calcium when in a magnesium-deficient state. Extra calcium intake at such a time could cause an abnormal rise of calcium levels inside the cells, including the cells of the heart and blood vessels… Given the delicate balance necessary between calcium and magnesium in the cells, it is best to be sure magnesium is adequate if you are taking calcium supplements.”8

8. Do you experience any of the following:

  • Anxiety?
  • Times of hyperactivity?
  • Difficulty getting to sleep?
  • Difficulty staying asleep?
The above symptoms may be neurological signs of magnesium deficiency. Adequate magnesium is necessary for nerve conduction and is also associated with electrolyte imbalances that affect the nervous system. Low magnesium is also associated with personality changes and sometimes depression.

9. Do you experience any of the following:

  • Painful muscle spasms?
  • Muscle cramping?
  • Fibromyalgia?
  • Facial tics?
  • Eye twitches, or involuntary eye movements?
Neuromuscular symptoms such as these are among the classic signs of a potential magnesium deficit.

Cancer causing colours

"Coal Tar Colors (FD&C, D&C) are derived from petroleum waste, research has suggested FD&C Blue No.1 and FD&C Green No. 3 are carcinogenic (cancer-causing), and D&C Red No. 33, FD&C Yellow No. 5, and FD&C Yellow No. 6 can contain impurities that may cause cancer when applied to the skin. They have been banned for use in Canada and the European Union. FD&C Yellow No. 5 is also used in foods and is known as tartrazine, and can worsen asthma and breathing problems."

"Red No. 3, also known by its chemical name Erythrosine, is a cherry-pink dye used to color products like maraschino cherries, pistachios, canned fruit, candy, popsicles, cake decorating gels, and toothpaste. It is also used in printing inks, as a biological stain, a dental plaque disclosing agent, and in X-rays. In 1990, the U.S. FDA placed a partial ban on Red No. 3 after research showed high doses could cause cancer in rats."

Wednesday 27 March 2013

it’s your own bloody fault.

No doubt you are outraged about the horse meat scandal. You have every right to be – criminality, profiteering, potential fraud, all have led to many people eating an animal they would probably prefer to see in the 3.20 at Kempton and possibly also ingesting dangerous veterinary drugs.


However, I’m going to come at this from another angle and it’s this: it’s your own bloody fault. There you go.

I know, I know; you’re not happy. It’s not your fault is it? It’s the government, the supermarkets, criminals and Goodness knows who else. But it’s not just them, you see. It’s you.

After a week of this story my patience has finally snapped, and it’s time someone told you a few home truths. Many of us have been banging on for years about this stuff, trying to make you care about the need for better food labeling, about fairness for farmers, about the need to support local farms to avoid all our food coming from giant, uncaring corporate agri-businesses which churn out cheap product to feed the insatiable appetite of supermarket price-cutting.

We’ve been highlighting the unfairness of UK farmers being forced to meet 73 different regulations to sell to supermarkets which don’t apply to foreign suppliers, and talking about our children growing up with no understanding of food production and, more than all of this, about the way supermarkets have driven down and down and down the cost of meat to the point where people think it’s normal to buy 3lbs of beef (in burgers) for 90p. And you wouldn’t listen. It was like shouting into a gale.
Through the years of New Labour, when farming and the countryside were demonised, you wouldn’t listen. You cheerfully chose to believe that all farmers were Rolls Royce driving aristocrats, as painted by John Prescott. You had no sympathy. You wanted a chicken for £2 and your Sunday roast for a fiver. Well, you got them didn’t you? And hundreds of farmers went to the wall. And you still didn’t care because Turkey slices were ten for 60p.

And now you’re furious, because it turns out that when you pay peanuts for something it’s actually not very good. Who knew eh? And before you start, don’t even think about the “it’s all right for the rich who can go to local butcher’s shops but what about the poor?” line. The number of people who can’t afford adequate amounts of food is tiny – tragic and wrong, yes, but tiny. Supermarkets don’t make their billions from them hunting in the “reduced” basket, they make their money from millions of everyday folk filling a weekly trolley. You, in other words.

Until the mid 1990s, Britain was also full of good local abattoirs. They were run by people who knew the local farmers who used them, and the local butchers which sold the meat. They were closed in their hundreds by new health and safety regulations which made it impossible for small abattoirs to compete with giant companies doing the job more cheaply.
We tried to tell you, you didn’t care.


How to make tesosterone.

Read this article guys:    Try to avoid Xenoestrogens

Xenoestrogens are man-made estrogens that are found in things like pesticides, artificial growth hormones & steroids, air fresheners and plastic containers and these xenoestrogens will increase your levels of the female hormone estrogen while lowering testosterone so…
  • Eat more organic fruits & vegetables that are free of pesticides and if you do buy your fruits & vegetables at a regular grocery store… Make sure you wash them to lower your chances of consuming any xenoestrogens and…
  • Eat more naturally raised meats instead of eating beef, chicken, pork and even milk that was raised using artificial growth hormones and steroids and…
  • Use glass products to store food & water instead of plastic since plastic products tend to produce xenoestrogens that'll get into your water & food especially when heated and… Even some canned foods contain plastic coatings that contain xenoestrogens and…
  • Don't use any perfumes, colognes, or air fresheners that have parabens listed as one of the ingredients. Parabens are xenoestrogens.

Take 1000-to-1500mg of Vitamin C per day  

Now if you have a hard time avoiding stress - you want to start taking 1000-to-1500mg of Vitamin C per day because…
  • Vitamin C has been shown to lower cortisol levels allowing your body to make more Testosterone and like Zinc…
  • Vitamin C reduces the armostase enzyme then converts your Testosterone into Estrogen.

Workout like a man

You can force your body to produce a lot of testosterone when you…
  • Do Compound exercises that train several large muscle groups like Power Cleans, Squats, Bench presses, Deadlifts, Chin-ups, Dips, and Military presses and you can still do isolation exercises like triceps extensions, bicep curls or chest flyes for definition but if trying to boost your Testosterone and build more muscle quickly - stick with compound exercises and…
  • According to a Swedish study… To get the biggest boost in testosterone when you do your compound exercises… Make sure you use heavy weights that will allow you to only do about 3-to-5 reps per set and you want to do about 5-to-8 sets of each compound exercise you do but…
  • You also want to limit your workout time on those compound exercises to 1-to-2 hours so just do only 1-to-2 compound exercises followed by a few optional isolation exercises twice a week (Mon. & Thur. for example) and as for burning fat…

  • Avoid 'sissy cardio' where you walk or run for long periods of time and start doing Manly Cardio workouts like Hill sprints and intervals 3-to-4 times a week and limit your long duration sissy cardio workouts to only 2 times a week and…
  • Make extra sure that you rest harder than you work out because over training leads to more cortisol and lower testosterone and you may need to get 8+ hours of sleep to allow your body to recuperate and produce more testosterone after you workout like a man.

Ever bought an avocado pear & it was off?

Where I live, far from avocado country, it’s not unusual for organic avocados to be $2.50 or $3 each.
“Oh, waaah, you big crybaby,” locavore purists might argue, “avocados are expensive because you live in Seattle, so stop buying non-local food!”

To which I reply: “The zombies can have my guacamole when they pry it from my salt-covered, tortilla chip-holding fingers.”

In any event, if you are paying $3 for a single avocado, you want that avocado to be freaking perfect: soft but not bruised, fully ripe but not rotten.
But I suspect many avocado lovers have experienced, as I have, the disappointment of slicing into their avo only to find brown streaks or dark, rotten bruising on the inside.

Here’s how to make sure that never happens again.

Before you commit to a specific avocado, look for all the external signs of ripe-but-not-rotten. With a Hass avocado (the variety we tend to get on the West coast), the skin should be very dark green-to-black and bumpy. The fruit should feel heavy and firm, with no obvious smooshy parts or flat areas.
Now here’s the trick. Once you’ve got a good candidate, take a sneak-peak at what’s inside. Discreetly flick the dry stem off the fruit.


Improve your thyroid function with this.

Improve your thyroid function

Your thyroid basically regulates your metabolism and you may be able to increase your metabolism simply by eating more seafood, nuts & seeds because All of these foods are high in Selenium, Vitamin E, Iodine, Zinc & Copper and…

All of those nutrients are essential for better thyroid function to help boost your metabolism and not having enough of those nutrients will cause your metabolism to slow down and/or you may develop hypothyroidism and as a matter of fact…

People who have hypothyroidism or slow metabolisms add more Selenium, Vitamin E,Iodine, Zinc & Copper to their diets to naturally treat hypothyroidism to help speed up their metabolism to help them lose weight again.

  • Thyroid Support contains the active nutrient Kelp - the iodine content of Kelp means it is of great benefit to thyroid metabolismparticularly as Iodine is one of the micronutrients known to be short in the diets of many
  • L-Tyrosine is included as it is beneficial to have L-Tyrosine and Iodine ingested together in a form that can be immediately usable by the thyroid gland to promote the production of the thyroid hormones
  • Body by nature Wholefood supplementsare made from minerals that have been hydroponically-grown into a cruciferous vegetable (brassica) that is a member of the broccoli family of vegetables
  • The brassica base also contains zinc, copper, potassium, calcium and magnesium and acts as a food base to aid absorption of and metabolism of the nutrients
  • Suitable for Men, Women, Children and the Elderly
  • Yeast free and suitable for Vegetarians, vegans and for people with Candida and Yeast sensitivities
  • Free from Genetically Modified Substances
The function of the Thyroid Gland
The function of the thyroid gland is to take iodine, found in many foods, and convert it into thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid cells are the only cells in the body which can absorb iodine. These cells combine iodine and the amino acid tyrosine to make T3 and T4. T3 and T4 are then released into the bloodstream and are transported throughout the body, where they control metabolic rate, metabolism and many other vital functions such as cardiac output, heart rate and respiratory rate. Indeed every cell in the body depends upon thyroid hormones for regulation of their metabolism.
The normal thyroid gland produces about 80% T4 and about 20% T3. However, T3 possesses about four times the hormone "strength" of T4 - T3 is the “metabolically active” thyroid hormone. The minerals zinc, copper, manganese and selenium are also needed for the conversion of T4 to T3.

Those with a low basal metabolic rate might be short of T4 or short of the nutrients that convert T4 to T3. If tests show a high level of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and high T4 but patients have a low basal metabolic rate, then it is most likely that they are not converting sufficient T4 to T3 and appropriate nutritional intervention will be helpful.
Iodine & the Thyroid Gland
Iodine is one of the micronutrients known to be short in the diets of many. It naturally occurs in sea produce and salt. Those on low salt diets and those consuming less than 3 portions of fish a week can easily be short of iodine intake. Moreover, those people living in areas where the water is fluoridated easily become iodine deficient, as fluoride inhibits uptake of iodine to the thyroid gland.

L- Tyrosine & the Thyroid Gland
Tyrosine, which can be synthesised in the body from phenylalanine, is found in many high protein food products such as soy products, chicken, turkey, fish, peanuts, almonds, avocados, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, lima beans, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds.
It is beneficial to have l-tyrosine and iodine ingested together in a form that can be immediately usable by the thyroid gland to promote production of thyroid hormones.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Eat this and grow stronger. 

Boost Your Intake of Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) from Foods Like Whey Protein
Research suggests that BCAAs result in higher testosterone levels, particularly when taken along with resistance training.9 While BCAAs are available in supplement form, you'll find the highest concentrations of BCAAs like leucine in dairy products – especially quality cheeses and whey protein.
Even when getting leucine from your natural food supply, it's often wasted or used as a building block instead of an anabolic agent. So to create the correct anabolic environment, you need to boost leucine consumption way beyond mere maintenance levels.
That said, keep in mind that using leucine as a free form amino acid can be highly counterproductive as when free form amino acids are artificially administrated, they rapidly enter your circulation while disrupting insulin function, and impairing your body's glycemic control. Food-based leucine is really the ideal form that can benefit your muscles without side effects.

Eat Healthy Fats
By healthy, this means not only mon- and polyunsaturated fats, like that found in avocadoes and nuts, but also saturated, as these are essential for building testosterone. Research shows that a diet with less than 40 percent of energy as fat (and that mainly from animal sources, i.e. saturated) lead to a decrease in testosterone levels.8
My personal diet is about 60-70 percent healthy fat, and other experts agree that the ideal diet includes somewhere between 50-70 percent fat.
It's important to understand that your body requires saturated fats from animal and vegetable sources (such as meat, dairy, certain oils, and tropical plants like coconut) for optimal functioning, and if you neglect this important food group in favor of sugar, grains and other starchy carbs, your health and weight are almost guaranteed to suffer. Examples of healthy fats you can eat more of to give your testosterone levels a boost include: