Thursday 20 February 2014

Training along with behaviour

What is the secret?

Behavioural Congruency.

This is the concept of modelling, more specifically modelling of people’s behaviour.

This can be applied to anything in life, but it can obviously be applied to fitness and those with body composition or performance goals.

Firstly, you will realise if you compared two excellent physiques, there is a very good chance their methods of training and style of eating will be vastly different. In fact, the differences will probably outweigh the similarities.

However, there will be some behavioral habits that both of them have, if you then validated those habits with 10,20,50 or even 100 other people with physiques that you aspire to look like. Those habits are the ones worth copying and modelling.

I have created a short list of behaviors I feel all excellent physique have in abundance, which you should consider modelling.

1- Time, most great physiques took years if not decades to build. Be patient and consistent.

2- Progressive weight training- I admit there a vast number of styles of training but more have very similar outcomes, progressive overload (getting stronger over a chronic period of time).

3- An eating style that is achievable long term. This one is very important, calories and macro nutrients will be tailored to suit ones goals at any specific time.

To conclude-

You need to be consistent over a vast number of years, include a progressive resistance protocol, choose an eating style you can adhere to, with macro nutrient and calories tweaked and tailored to suit your goals at any specific time.

Remember, if your behavior is in-congruent with the above, you will never ever look like those who you aspire to be like....

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