Saturday 3 May 2014

Rheumatoid Arthritis cures

5 Underlying Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you suspect that you have an RA, the most important steps to stopping and reversing your disease are to identify and then to treat the underlying cause. Conventional doctors only treat the symptoms of autoimmune diseases; they don’t look to find the root cause.

1. Gluten

Gluten is a huge problem for most people these days because we hybridized it, modified it, and it’s in everything!  Worst of all, it can wreak havoc on your gut and set you up for a leaky gut.  Once the gut is leaky, gluten can get into your bloodstream and confuse your immune system. Since the building blocks of gluten share a similar molecular structure with building blocks of many other tissues in your body, the immune system can get confused and accidentally attack your joints and other organs. This process is called molecular mimicry.

2. Leaky gut

In order to absorb nutrients, the gut is somewhat permeable to very small molecules. Many things including, gluten, infections, medications and stress can damage the gut, allowing toxins, microbes and undigested food particles – among other things – directly into your bloodstream. Leaky gut is the gateway for these infections, toxins and foods – like gluten – to cause systemic inflammation that leads to autoimmunity.  You must heal your gut before you can heal yourself.

3. Mercury

Mercury is a heavy metal that is capable of altering or damaging the cells of various bodily tissues. When cells are damaged, your immune system can mistake them as foreign invaders and begin attacking its own organs. Studies show that individuals with higher mercury exposures have an increased risk of getting an autoimmune disease.

4. Mycotoxins

I have discovered that many of my patients with autoimmune disease are actually living or working in environments that have toxic mold.  Toxic molds produce mycotoxins, which are volatile organic compounds (VOC) and can be toxic to genetically susceptible people.

5. Infections

Recent studies have shown a strong correlation between an overgrowth of gut bacteria and the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. While it has not yet been proven as the sole cause of rheumatoid arthritis, it is certainly suspected that the gut bacteria, Prevotella copri and Proteus mirabilis, play a significant role in the onset of rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. Gut bacteria, like P. cpori and P. mirabilis, can cause leaky gut, which is a frequent cause of immune dysfunction and inflammation in the body.
In addition to bacteria, the Epstein-Barr virus is also believed to be a potential trigger of rheumatoid arthritis. Often times, the antibodies seeking out this virus mistakenly attack joint tissue, through a process called molecular mimicry. This allows fluid and immune complexes to build up in the joints, causing pain and inflammation.
Pure fish oil helps with RA
Vitamin D3 helps with RA

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