Wednesday 2 April 2014

Do I need to take a probiotic

Take the test and see if your one of the people who may need to take a Probiotic supplement.

Q: Do you suffer from: heartburn or acid reflux; bloating; bad breath; body odour; belching; colds; constipation; diarrhoea; food cravings; hiatus hernia; PMS or hot flushes; itchy nose; itchy bottom; irritable bowel syndrome; wind; allergies; malodorous stools; stomach pain; stomach ulcers; thrush; urinary infections; vaginal discharge?

Answer 'A' if the question applies to you never or hardly ever (maybe once or twice in your life), 'B' if you occasionally suffer (no more than once every five years), 'C' if you suffer several times a year, and 'D' if it's most of the time.

Q: How often do you go to the dentist?
A: Just for check-ups - I hardly ever need treatment. B: Check-ups and the occasional filling. C: I need treatment each time. D: I never go.

Q: How often have you needed antibiotics in the past 15 years?
A: Never. B: Once a year. C: I always seem to be on them for something. D: I have a health condition which means I have to take antibiotics most of the time.

Q: Do you take daily medicine such as statins, steroids, inhalers or acid-suppressing drugs?
A: No. D: Yes.


Mostly As: You don't need probiotics.

Mostly Bs: Your health isn't too bad, but it could be better. Make simple improvements to your diet and lifestyle and consider taking a daily probiotic to prevent serious problems.

Mostly Cs: Your health problems are beginning to get in the way of your life. Probiotics could ease symptoms and reduce drug side-effects.

Mostly Ds: This D could stand for danger if you don't change your way of living. Probiotics and improved diet could give you an extra boost and might ease some of your symptoms.

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