Monday 18 November 2013

Super slow eccentric training.

Super slow eccentric training.

There seems to be popular trend within fitness and bodybuilding circles to perform these ludicrously slow repetitions, especially within the eccentric portion of the repetition (the easier position of the repetition, or lowing phase in most movements) , in attempt to achieve greater muscle mass. The theory is, greater tension because of reduced momentum will be placed upon on the targeted muscle.

There are some key objections I would like to state here :

By performing these extremely slow repetitions, the load (weight) is going to be severely decreased, thus, one of the most important factors to getting bigger has been taken away (progressive tension overload).

Also, considering the muscle can withstand considerably more weight during the eccentric portion. As the eccentric portion of the repetition is arguable more important than the concentric part with, the goal of achieving greater muscular gains, the reality is, super slow eccentric training just doesn’t make sense.

Yes, the eccentric portion of the movement should be somewhat controlled, but severely slowing down the repetition and therefore severely decreasing the load in an attempt to further stimulate the muscle fibre, simply the facts don’t hold true.

I would also note, a lot of chemically enhanced individuals prescribe these ridiculous tempos.

Essentially, if you’re taking drugs, there are a lot of training protocols which may still work.

Remember, if you’re drug free, focus on progressive tension overload. Getting progressively stronger, within a variety of rep ranges, within a properly periodised program.

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