Tuesday 12 November 2013

vitamin B12 why we cant make it in our bodies


Vitamin B12

Did you know that not a single population in the history of the world has ever willingly adopted a vegan diet?
That’s because before the era of supplements, such a dietary shift would have started killing people within a few years.
The most well known vitamin that the body can’t produce and can only be gotten from animal foods, is Vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in the function of every cell in the body. It is tightly involved in the formation of blood and the Funtion of the brain.
Deficiency usually results in anemia, impaired brain function, symptoms of mental disorders and a smaller brain 
There is also evidence linking B12 deficiency to Alzheimer’s Disease, which is the most common cause of dementia in Western countries 
The only good food sources of B12 are animal foods like meat, fish and eggs.
A deficiency is widespread among vegans and vegetarians, who avoid these foods. In one study, a whopping 92% of vegans and 47% of lacto-ovo vegetarians were deficient in this critical brain nutrient 
Being deficient in B12 can cause irreversible damage to the brain. If your levels are just slightly lower than they should be, you may have symptoms like poor memory, depression and fatigue 
So even if you’re not suffering clinical symptoms of B12 deficiency, you may still be less sharp than you should be.
If you choose to avoid animal foods, then make sure to supplement with Vitamin B12 or eat foods that have been fortified with it.
Algae are a potential plant source of B12, but whether they can be effective at correcting B12 deficiency in humans is not known at this point 

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