Wednesday 20 March 2013

Vegetable oil verses fish oil

Good fats and bad fats, know the difference.

Vegetable Oil is a killer. You will see that it is in so many foods. Start looking at food labels and put down anything that has vegetable oil in it. This will cause inflammation and if you are looking to lose weight, you are slowing down your progress. There is too much omega-6 here. A good source of fish oils are also ALWAYS recommended by

We sell both pure clean fish oil and krill oil. Both are from the very best companies in the world. Make sure you eat grass fed meat when possible. Look for organic butter and grass fed butter again if possible. Look at the back of the label when buying any thing you are about to put into your mouth. 

Farmed fish are not the same as fish caught by a trawler. Farmed fish have all their food given to them. The pellets are packed full of nasties like, hormones. These hormones are not what you want to be consuming. The farmers want to ensure the fish grow fast and fat. The hormones are from the ell family. This hormone turns the once fish that rested through the year to 24 hour eating machines. The fish take on board so much food so quickly that they grow to eating size in just 18 months instead of 3 years. This saves on food and keeps the fish from costing to much to keep. If the hormones do this for the fish, ask yourself what the fish you have now consumed is doing to YOU.?   

It takes a little longer to check, but this will give YOU back the buying power you so rightly deserve. Start by buying as much organic as you can and the more people that change there ways the sooner the rest will follow suit.

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