Monday 12 August 2013

Doing the right thing

Kim finds out that what goes around really does come around! (or how "paying it forward" works)

"For years, I have always helped out when I could; I wasn't raised that way, it's just who I am and have tried to instill it in my kids. 

I had decided to divorce my ex-husband and we decided to sell our camping trailer. While we were at the bank having them cash the check from the sale of it, I couldn't help but overhear the conversation next to us. This elderly gentleman couldn't understand why his account was negative over $400. As the teller asked him question after question you could tell that he was getting frustrated and it was harder for him to think of his answers. My dad who lived with me had dementia and this little old man reminded me of him and how he was at the beginning. The teller asked the gentleman to go sit down and wait for the manager to see what the bank could do to help him out. After he left I asked the teller some questions and he explained that this was a long time customer and he had been having problems lately with his account and it was most likely due to forgetful spending and not caused by fraud from family or who ever. I then decided to have our teller take out $500 from our money and to deposit into his account. They did it for me, but not before telling the manager what I had done. She was overwhelmed by my generosity, but how could I not help? He clearly needed it.

Now fast forward a few years... Being a single mom and not receiving help from a sick ex-husband we ran into hard times, and the school, knowing my situation called to see if we could be adopted by an anonymous family for Christmas and I had no choice but to say yes. That was the hardest 'yes' for me to say in my life because I have always been a giver and not a receiver. This family went above and beyond what they had to. As I stood there crying with tears streaming down my face with each load of laundry baskets full of goodies I couldn't help but be grateful. They all gave us hugs and told me what an honor it was for them to help us. The school social worker told them about me and my past, with doing home care and how I loved helping the elderly and would help my past patients whenever they called. I knew the SW personally. Anyways, they handed me a Christmas card at the end and left; in it were receipts for everything they had purchased in case I needed to return anything that might not fit or that maybe we were allergic to. The total amount they spent was $500. Plus there was a thank you note saying that the social worker had slipped up and accidentally used my name and they recognized from me helping out one of their family members who I had taken care of. So yes, I believe in Paying it Forward with all of my heart and soul and continue to this day to do it."


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