Wednesday 10 July 2013

Fibroid tumor

Thank you for sharing your story, Erin ♥ 

"I've always, ALWAYS struggled with my weight. I just turned 30 in April, and until this point in my life I can't think of a single time I was satisfied with my body or not CONSTANTLY thinking about what I was eating, when, etc... I lost a lot of weight in college through a diet program that basically consisted of eating nothing but make-believe, fat free, sugar free science project food. The result was rapidly gaining it back after a year and the growth of a honey dew melon sized fibroid tumor that almost killed me 2 years ago when it started necrotizing in my abdomen. 

Finally, after my husband had success dropping sugar from his diet I decided to try it out. I cut all added/processed sugar (well, as much as possible) and began weeding out processed food. I started this on January 1, and since then I've dropped almost 40 pounds (from 205 to 167) and gone from a size 16 to a size 10. Additionally, I feel AMAZING all the time. Since January 1 I've run a 10 mile trail race, two 5ks, a Warrior Dash, and completed the Tough Mudder on my 30th birthday. I joined a rock climbing gym, bought a bike, and took up hot (and regular) yoga. I also hardly ever think about food. Now, I eat to nourish and fuel my body and meals no long have ANY stress surrounding them: I eat real, delicious, healthy food when I'm hungry and don't even feel tempted to "cheat" with the poison I used to regularly consume. I am 100% my best self for having made this change. It was the best decision of my life (besides marrying my amazing husband who has pushed me to really succeed and supported me along the way)." -- Erin Carrington Smith

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