Monday 8 July 2013

Parabens and the dangers

Parabens are used to prevent the growth of microbes in cosmetic products and can be absorbed through the skin, blood and digestive system (i). They have been found in biopsies from breast tumors (ii) at concentrations similar to those found in consumer products (iii). Parabens are found in nearly all urine samples from U.S. adults of a variety of ethnic, socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds

Cosmetic manufacturers, particularly those in the natural/organic sector, are seeking effective alternatives to prevent microbial growth in personal care products. Another solution is to sell products with a shorter shelf life. Companies are testing new product formulations and have created preservative-free products with a shelf life of six months to one full year. For the products most people use daily – their favorite lotion, face wash or shampoo – products are likely to be used up before they would expire. 

Most if not all the people I mix with in the fitness world have known about Parabens for years. I changed my shampoo products to protect my wife and I including other products. We both look very carefully when we shop for any food or skin products. Before you shout, well to change would cost more. 2 things I will say to that. Firstly, whats more important your good health or the cost of buying a cheap Cancer forming product you and your family will be using. Second, the price is slightly higher...... BECAUSE you all don't buy these products. If you did the price would fall like in so many other items you buy. Chemical companies make a fortune out of selling you products with Cancer forming high risk chemicals in them. Just think like this; If Tesco's sold dog poo in nice fancy boxes and you started buying it, then Tesco's would stock there shelves with all sorts of dog poo for you to buy.

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