Thursday 11 July 2013

How do i lose weight

Why We Are So Different To Other Supplement Companies

Here at Body by nature, we are proud to present you with a full range of essential whole food & food state supplements. Our whole food supplements come from whole foods. It is these whole foods that contain a comprehensive array of nutrients that will deliver maximum nutrition to the body.
These specially formulated products are a world away from a majority of the supplements that are available today which use isolated nutrients - something that the body cannot use or accept. Even if isolated-substance supplements are made from natural ingredients, they simply cannot rival that of supplements made from whole foods.

One example of why whole food supplements are far superior is synergy. The substances in whole foods work extremely well together to boost each other’s absorption and effectiveness.
Vitamins and minerals in a whole food supplement such as ours work synergistically together in a well-balanced manner, according to natures plan for whole foods. Our range is complete with the inclusion of food state supplements which present vitamins and minerals in a structure as close as possible to the foods where those micro nutrients naturally transpire.
This process means the food state nutrients have a much higher bio-availability so the body requires lower doses for beneficial effects. Ultimately there is less wastage of nutrients and considerably less chance of fat-soluble nutrient build up.

We feel it is our duty to supply our customers with a product that meets the highest levels of quality control and we understand the importance of using strict guidelines when manufacturing our premium range of supplements. Body by Nature Supplements raises the bar among elite providers of whole food and food state supplements by ensuring all manufacturers associated with us are GMP registered and most have Organic certification. Hydroponically-grown supplements from Body by Nature are supplied to those who have a distinct focus on their nutrition and well-being.
Our vision is simple; we aim to rejuvenate the dwindling mineral content of the average diet which is made poor from intensive farming, by supplying nutrients to the body in the same form as those in food i.e. in a food state or food complex which was once described as "the best kept secret in the health food industry". Through using breakthrough technology and superior modern day science, we have created a product that can deliver essential nutrients in a complete food complex which is naturally recognised as food and effectively absorbed by the body.
We are a market leading company providing the finest quality Bio-effective and natural food based supplementation and you can rest assured that our products only contain what is listed on our labels. We feel this makes your choice of supplements even easier and will provide your body with maximum health benefits.

Below are some helpful hints from Jason who is one of our top rated Personal Trainers. Jason has worked for Body by Nature Supplements for over 7 years. His vision is second to none. Read how to train the body and brain.

I was recently asked by a friend “what should I do in the gym?” and it got me thinking, how do I answer this? As a trainer / coach, there are so many variables to consider I didn't know where to begin, it all depends on what the client / exerciser wants to achieve and what condition they are currently at. How do you sum up an exercise regime? What should a general approach to fitness and exercise look like? Here I have broken down everything I believe a healthy person should do, but is ‘dynamic warm up, strength training, bodyweight training, metabolic conditioning, pushing, pulling, lunging, squatting, rotating, sprinting, jumping, bending, stretching, pre-habilitation and mobility work’ the best answer?, it’s an accurate and correct answer, but I'm not sure its the best one.

The most important thing to understand when developing an exercise training program is to know ‘why’ you’re doing ‘what’ you’re doing. For example, programming specific lifts, for a certain number of reps, for a particular number of sets with no specific goal established limits the effectiveness of developing size (hypertrophy) and strength. When designing a training program the first thing that should be determined is the overall desired training goal .What are the training goals? ‘fat loss, strength, hypertrophy, power, aerobic fitness, sport / activity specific, injury rehabilitation, flexibility etc’ as each goal would need a different approach. The training goal influences all other loading parameters such as exercise selection, reps, sets, tempo and rest intervals. When the overall training goal has been decided a per iodized training plan should then be developed that maps out how and when that training goal will be achieved. The trainer also needs to think about the energy system contribution their client or athletes goals dictate, for example, when designing a programme for a 5 k runner much more emphasis would be put on rep/set/rest period combinations stressing the lactic acid system than would be done for a 100 metre sprinter who is predominantly utilising the ATP/PC energy systems. 
As a trainer I believe if you’re not assessing your guessing. What are their health / nutritional status? Skill level? Current fitness / ability etc.? The more thorough the assessment procedure the more individualised the programme can be. This is why assessment of clients is crucial when designing a training programme ‘range of movement tests, comparative range of movement, nutritional status, hormonal profile, strength tests, body fat tests, VO2 tests, fibre type tests, structural balance, blood work, power tests, speed tests, motor skill tests, medical questionnaires, lifestyle questionnaires etc.’ There are many elements to consider when designing programs which is the reason I believe there is no one recipe for program success, there are numerous ingredients and it is up to the trainer to create the appropriate combination to ensure success. All trainers have preferences and influences but the programmes should reflect what the client needs and can handle and not by what is popular or driven by personal preference. So next time you ask a knowledgeable trainer “what should I do in the gym?” and they look at you with a blank look on their face, their brain is probably working overtime!!

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