Thursday 11 April 2013

Sex games and fantasies

If you’re planning on taking something that exists perfectly in your head through to the reality of your bed, take a tip from them on what tends to work and what tends to go disastrously wrong...

Four fantasies that work in real life

Sex in public: Yes it’s illegal but if you’re sensible and discreet, assess each situation carefully and keep (most) of your clothes on, you’ll probably get away with it. It’s naughty without being too ‘out there’ and the threat of discovery adds excitement and edginess.

Role-play: If you can control the giggles and have decent imaginations, role-playing fantasies is the best way to get the kick without the fallout. You’ll cringe at the start but most couples love it once they get in character.

Tie-up games: So long as no-one gives into the ‘wouldn’t it be hilarious to pop out for a pint of milk’ impulse, taking tie-up through to real-life tends to work well. Just work out beforehand what you’re going to do once you have them tied to the bed posts (the answer: tease mercilessly!).

Spanking: Kept playful rather than painful, it’s ‘naughty’ enough to liven things up yet unlikely to go horribly wrong if you start off lightly and stop the second anyone feels uncomfortable (in a bad way).

Threesomes: Any fantasy that involves other warm bodies in the bed has the tendency to go horribly, horribly wrong. Jealousy is a huge problem and nasty surprises a second. Discussing exactly what will happen beforehand helps but the reality is often still quite shocking. The fallout is worse for couples in love: we like to think we can separate sex from love but usually can’t.

Making a 'sex tape': We all secretly imagine we’ll look just like they do in the movies but it’s harder than you think to get the lighting and angles right. Real sex is sweaty, messy and puts us in unflattering positions - watching yourself can be ego-destroying.

Sleeping with someone forbidden: Your boss or your best friend’s boyfriend make for great fantasy fodder but real life encounters usually end in nothing but guilt and bitter break-ups with the sex rarely living up to expectations.

Sex with a stranger: One night stands are usually fuelled by alcohol which lowers inhibitions but deadens nerve endings, making orgasm unlikely for her and wobbly erections on the cards for him. Neither of you care less about each other so it’s often selfish sex - with possible nasty consequences if you’ve skipped the condom.

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