Saturday 1 June 2013

supplementation support for women in menopause

To understand what happens during the menopause, it will be helpful to know how monthly periods come about before one reaches the menopause. Follow our link to read more information on the menstrual cycle
Before the menopause (and after puberty), a woman typically releases an egg each month. This process is controlled by a small gland in the brain, called the pituitary gland.

Please read the information below and then log onto for the most natural way of treating what is some thing a woman will most probably need help with as she goes through the hot sweats and unusual feelings she will be experiencing as she goes through the Menopause. Bodybynature supplements are known for supplying one of the best ways to relieve the feelings of the Menopause. We at body by nature have spent time finding out and carrying out lots of research with thousands of women over ten years of studies. Most but not all ( As you can never get 100% best results with every woman ) found they had a better than good, and most enjoyed very good experiences when taking body by nature's Menopause Support.

Other things we strongly suggest are taking on board a good 1.5Lts of water. Cut down your sugars. They can be found in the most camouflaged foods. Any foods with Aspartame in, that includes any low fat foods, and sugar replacements. I am sure you have been told before by news papers and magazines all this many times over. The reason is it works and helps in the Menopause. Your Diet or way of life changes will help big time in how you feel. If you can get out walking NOT running as this is bad for your joints, please do so as often as you can.

The older we become, the less fit we are and bearing a child later in life has higher risks for both mother and child. Nature recognises this and our genes are programmed in such a way that, when a woman reaches a certain point in her life, her body says that it is not wise to produce any more eggs.
When this happens, the hormones produced by the pituitary gland decline. This signals to the ovaries that eggs are no longer required and ovulation stops. The previously regular cycle of thickening and shedding of the lining of the womb is no longer required and periods stop. Levels of progesterone and estrogen fall.
So biologically, menopause marks the end of the fertile period in a woman’s life and helps serve the purpose of ensuring that a woman bearing a child is fit to do so.
Changes in hormone levels during the menopause lead directly and indirectly to a wide variety of symptoms. The most common are hot flushes  and night sweats , probably caused by hormonal changes altering the way the body perceives heat.

What can I expect?

Although all women will go through the menopause, there is no fixed or standard experience that can be described.
  • A few women will be hardly aware of going through the menopause, experiencing very few symptoms
  • For many, the menopause brings a change in the pattern of the monthly period. In addition, menopause sweating, hot flushes or night sweats may be experienced
  • A small minority of women experience significant symptoms during the menopause, with symptoms severe enough to interrupt daily routine or disrupt quality of life.

However the menopause affects you, one thing must be remembered – the menopause is not an illness but a natural process which your body has to go through once you reach a certain age.

Benefits of the menopause

The menopause is sometimes thought of negatively, partly because it is associated with becoming older. However, there are some benefits to the menopause.
  • With the menopause, monthly periods stop, bringing a revolution to a woman’s life
  • Those with heavy bleeds, period pain and PMS ( pre-menstrual syndrome ) can find that menopause will bring welcome relief to days of feeling unwell
  • In addition, the end of the fertile period of life also brings benefits

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