Monday 13 May 2013

Eat the paleo way or get fat

"When I left the farm and headed off to a professional career my health quickly began to deteriorate. I put on 30lbs in my first few months at a desk job and knew something had to change. I tried to eat the prescribed low fat and whole grains healthy diet, but I seemed the more of this diet I implemented, the sicker that I became.

I was plagued with Allergy/sinus issues throughout the year that would typically lead to antibiotics for infections at least twice a year. My digestive track was a mess, my blood pressure danced on the high borderline, and I was likely on the fast track to diabetes.

After stumbling upon and implementing the Paleo diet’s basic principles I began to see MAJOR results in weeks. I lost 30lbs in the first month and 45 in the first 2 months. Within a few weeks my digestive problems were gone, and following the loaves of bread I tossed out the back door went my lifelong battles with allergies and sinusitis. I began to feel a...
mazing with a constant state of energy that just made me feel as I wanted to run and play as a child.

Along with the diet I implemented the paleo exercise and lifestyle principles as well. The combination has lead to amazing results. At 33 years old I am stronger, faster, and more agile than I have ever been. The myth of slowing down because you get older is just that. With a proper diet of real foods you to can unleash your inner animal and reverse years of damage. My only regret is not finding this out sooner." ~ Buddy Guthrie

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