Thursday 23 May 2013

I want to lose weight 

The first step!

So what’s the first step you need to take before starting a programme?

1- Decide on a goal
... Knowing what you want to achieve will be one reason you will see results. Going into anything in life and especially the gym without having a clear goal in mind is a good way to decree the chances of you making good progression. You can be working hard, doing little bits of this, little bits of that but with no real results to show for it. Having that end goal in mind or even better writing it down, allows you to make clear decisions on what you need to do now and in the future.

The more details you can write down the more chance there is of you seeing results. What people do “I want to lose weight” what people should say “I will lose 10% body fat by ......” or “Today’s date is ...... and I look stunning in my size 8 dress”

2- When you want to achieve your goal
Be specific with this, not just “in 12 weeks.” Set a specific date e.g. August 26th 2013 I will be ............ . It’s shown by writing down when you want to achieve you goal you are 16 times more likely to achieve it them just thinking it. This is because you are now committed to these goals and as now you have set specific dates everything you do, day in day out, your body will filter through all the information on a day to day basis and lead you onto the right path.

3- Why do you want to achieve you goal
This is so important, have a real think why you want to achieve this goal. Not just because you want to get fitter, that’s never the reason. An example of this is a guy saw once and I’ll never forget what he said. I asked him why does he want to achieve his goal, and he replied “to get fit”, what else I asked, “That’s it” he said. After about 10minuties of going back and forth, he paused and then said “to tell you the truth, my wife just have birth to our first son and I am scared I’m not going to be here in 5-6 years time. My dream is to have a son and be able to play football with him in the park and watch him grow up, but the way I’m going I am afraid I won’t be here.”

That’s a true reason, I’m not saying yours will be the same, it could be to increase confidence, to fit into a size 8 dress for a summer party, it could be anything.

Why this helps?
There will be good times and there will be hard times on your journey, but when the hard times come, think back to your goal and why you are doing this should be enough to help you make the right decision and to get you back or keep you on track to see fantastic results.

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