Tuesday 14 May 2013

Supplements made from plants




Nutrients for your body

Hydroponically-grown supplements from Body by Nature are supplied to those who have a distinct focus on their nutrition and well-being. Body by Nature is a leader in the field of food-based supplementation and provides products that are bio-effective and natural.
Most supplements are they are made from isolated salts. This process gives you sources of Zinc, Magnesium etc but by no way is as effective as wholefood supplementation. Body by nature are committed to supplying all their supplementation by way of food state or wholefood. These two forms are superior bio-efficacy supplies that are just not available in any other way.
Body by nature's product range, are both gentle and bio-effective on the body. Our bodies are not designed to thrive on rocks and soil, but from the nutrients from these sources that have been bio-transformed by plants. All our plants are an edible species which are hydroponically grown. We use the lactobacillus bulgaricus, a member of the broccoli family of plants. Our range of wholefood products are suitable both for vegans and vegetarians and also those who take an interest in their health and nutrition.
All our food state products are grown using our hydroponic system. The advantage of this natural process means we can control the mineral levels and growing environment, so there will be no risk of bacteria that occurs in soil growth. With the perfect growing condition that we are able to achieve, keeping a consistent growth temperature, we achieve the best nutrition and produce a result that is an optimum mineralrich product.

The way food is grown and supplied to us is far from perfect as so many chemicals are used to increase the yield. By growing food using nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, farmers get a higher yield but we as the end consumer get a much poorer quality food product. As most of our food is grown this way, using more and more pesticides, insecticides using techniques such as deep ploughing, proceeds to upset the natural mycorrhiza. Mycorrhiza is the pro-biotic bacteria essential for the transformation of organic minerals to organic forms that can be metabolised by plants, without which the inorganic minerals stay bound in the soil and unavailable to plant life. Less pro-biotic bacteria equals less minerals available to plants equals less nutrients in the foods we and our live stock eat.


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